Why is a machine producing 7 nails in 9 seconds faster than one producing 11 nails in 14 seconds? Machine A Produces 11 nails in 14 seconds. Machine B produces 7 nails in 9 seconds. Which is faster? I thought that 11/14 is larger than 7/9 and thus A is the answer. However, the answer says that 9/7 is bigger than 14/11 so B is the answer. How does this work?

Kale Sampson

Kale Sampson

Answered question


Why is a machine producing 7 nails in 9 seconds faster than one producing 11 nails in 14 seconds?
Machine A Produces 11 nails in 14 seconds.
Machine B produces 7 nails in 9 seconds.
Which is faster?
I thought that 11 14 is larger than 7 9 and thus A is the answer. However, the answer says that 9 7 is bigger than 14 11 so B is the answer. How does this work?

Answer & Explanation

Gilbert Petty

Gilbert Petty

Beginner2022-11-19Added 23 answers

Your answer is correct. In 126 seconds (= 14 × 9), machine A produces 11 × 9 = 99 nails while machine B produces 7 × 14 = 98 nails. Therefore machine A is faster.
Ty Moore

Ty Moore

Beginner2022-11-20Added 3 answers

You are right indeed
7 9 < 11 14 7 14 < 11 9 98 < 99

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