Does a fraction that can be simplified as an integer belong to the set of integer numbers? Consider the question: 12/2 in ZZ Would you consider the above statement mathematically correct? and why? I'm a bit on the side of calling it a true statement. However, since 12/2 is equivalent to 6 but not exactly identical, I am quite skeptical. Also, how about the case: 12/1 in ZZ

Audrey Arnold

Audrey Arnold

Answered question


Does a fraction that can be simplified as an integer belong to the set of integer numbers?
Consider the question:
12 2 Z
Would you consider the above statement mathematically correct? and why?
I'm a bit on the side of calling it a true statement. However, since 12 2 is equivalent to 6 but not exactly identical, I am quite skeptical.
Also, how about the case:
12 1 Z
I checked this question Are all integers fractions?. it has some insight addressing a similar issue, yet some answers make it even more confusing for me.
Thank you!

Answer & Explanation

Laura Fletcher

Laura Fletcher

Beginner2022-11-21Added 22 answers

TL;DR version: Yes, if you define Q properly and imbed Z into it.
Long version:
That depends on definitions.
To understand such cases, let's discuss the formal definition of the rational field Q
Let R := { ( a , b ) a , b , Z , b 0 } be the set of all fractions. On R, we define a relation by saying
( a , b ) ( c , d ) :⇔ a d = b c
where we evaluate the last equation over the integers (as a , b , c , d are all integers). Now one can show that is an equivalence relation, so we can look at the equivalence classes R / . On these classes, which I will denote by [ a , b ], we can define an addition and a multiplication as
[ a , b ] + [ c , d ] := [ a d + c b , b d ]
[ a , b ] [ c , d ] := [ a c , b d ] .
One now shows that
1.Addition and multiplication are well defined (i.e. do not depend on the representative of the equivalence class we chose).
2. ( R / , + , ) forms a field, which we will call Q
3.The map f : Z Q , x [ x , 1 ] is an injective ring homomorphism.
As f is injective, we get that Z is isomorphic to its image in Q , and thus we can identify it.
Returning to your first question: As ( 12 , 2 ) and ( 6 , 1 ) are in the same equivalence class, we have that 12 2 lies in the image of Z under f - and, if you allow to identify these, in Z
Note that the above construction does not only work for Z but for many other rings. There are even similar constructions for rings that are no integral domains (in this case the map f is often not injective).


Beginner2022-11-22Added 4 answers

12 2 = 6 Z and 12 1 = 12 Z . As long as you can simplify the expression to an integer number the number is Z

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