Prove this recursion formula for Stirling numbers of the first kind: S_(n+1, k+1)=Sum_(i=k)^n (i k) s_(n,i)



Answered question


Prove this recursion formula for Stirling numbers of the first kind:
s n + 1 , k + 1 = i = k n ( i k ) s n , i

Answer & Explanation



Beginner2022-11-25Added 13 answers

Using the formula for the falling factorial, note that
( x ) n + 1 = x ( x 1 ) n .
Develop the falling factorial in terms of Stirling numbers of the first kind and powers of ( x 1 ) k . Then, use Newton's binomial formula to expand the powers ( x 1 ) k . A bit of rearranging of the terms finishes the proof.
i = 0 n k = 0 i s ( n , i ) ( i k ) ( 1 ) i k x k + 1
you can rearrange as
k = 0 n i = k n s ( n , i ) ( i k ) ( 1 ) i k x k + 1 .
If you don't see this, work out some terms of this double sum explicitly, it should be obvious. Then the left hand side of the falling factorial equation is
( x ) n + 1 = k = 0 n + 1 s ( n + 1 , k ) x k = k = 0 n s ( n + 1 , k + 1 ) x k + 1
Equating left and right hand side, we get
s ( n + 1 , k + 1 ) = i = k n s ( n , i ) ( i k ) ( 1 ) i k .
Now, this may seem different from the formula you were required to derive, but that's just because I derived a formula for the signed Stirling numbers of the first kind, whereas yours was probably for unsigned ones. No problem however, just multiply both sides of the equations by ( 1 ) k n and according to the definition on the wikipage, you will get the end result.

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