If A is a real diagonalizable matrix and B is real symmetric and positive definite, is the matrix B^(−1) A real diagonalizable?

Cecilia Wilson

Cecilia Wilson

Answered question


If A is a real diagonalizable matrix and B is real symmetric and positive definite, is the matrix B 1 A real diagonalizable?
Let G be the square root of B and G = G T , then B 1 A = G 1 ( G 1 A G T ) G is similar to G 1 A G T , which is again symmetric and thus diagonalizable.
However, this method fails when A is just real diagonalizable. Are there any tricks to modify the proof, or is there a counterexample?

Answer & Explanation

Damion Ray

Damion Ray

Beginner2022-11-25Added 9 answers

The statement is not true. Take
A = ( 0 1 0 1 / 2 ) , B = ( 1 1 / 2 1 / 2 1 ) > 0 ,
B 1 A = ( 0 1 0 0 )
is not diagonalizable. But A is clearly diagonalizable because it has two distinct eigenvalues.
Zachery Mckee

Zachery Mckee

Beginner2022-11-26Added 1 answers

Hint: for a counterexample, start with a matrix C that is not diagonalizable, and see if you can find a symmetric positive definite matrix B so that A = B C is diagonalizable. Almost any one will do.

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