A community has a population of 25000 which increases by 15% every year. What will be the population of the community after 6 years?

Keira Morgan

Keira Morgan

Answered question


A community has a population of 25000 which increases by 15% every year. What will be the population of the community after 6 years?

Answer & Explanation



Beginner2022-11-26Added 6 answers

An increase of 15% as a decimal is given by 1.15.
x 1.15 = x ( 1 + 0.15 ) = x + 0.15 x
So, we have to multiply by 1.15, then multiply the result by 1.15 and so on until we get to 6 years. For example, for 3 years it would be
( ( 25000 1.15 ) 1.15 ) 1.15
Luckily, we can group the 1.15s together, like so:
25000 ( 1.15 ) n
Where n is the number of years we are looking at. In this case, n=6 so final population is given by:
25000 1.15 6 = 57826.5 = 57826 people

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