Which of these is the simplest form of the fraction 25125?



Answered question


Which of these is the simplest form of the fraction 25 125 ?
1) 5 25
2) 25 125
3) 1 5
4) 50 250

Answer & Explanation



Beginner2022-11-26Added 13 answers

The correct option is 3) 1 5
When the numerator and denominator of a fraction cannot be further reduced by dividing them both by the same integer, that fraction is said to be in its simplest form.
After that, divide the numerator and denominator of 25 125 by 5, we get 25 125 = 5 25
But this may be made even more straightforward. Because the denominator and numerator are both divisible by five,
Dividing both numerator and denominator of 5 25 by 5 again, we get 5 25 = 1 5
So, 1 5 is the simplest form of the fraction 25 125 as it cannot be reduced further.

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