In the decimal form, fraction 25/8=3.125



Answered question


In the decimal form, fraction 25 8 = 3.125

Answer & Explanation

Henry Arellano

Henry Arellano

Beginner2022-11-27Added 12 answers

To convert a fraction to a decimal number, follow these steps:
(i) we first convert it into an equivalent fraction with denominator 10 or 100 or 1000 or any number of form 1 followed by zeros.
(ii) write its numerator and mark decimal point after one place or two place or three places from right towards left if the denominator is 10 or 100 or 1000 respectively. If the denominator has 1 followed by n zeros, then put the decimal after n places from the right to the left.
So, we will multiply and divide the fraction 258 by 1000.
25 × 125 8 × 125 = 3125 1000 = 3.125
Note: If the numerator is short of digits, insert zeroes at the left of the numerator and then put the decimal point.

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