A stone is flung 20 meters per second in a vertical upward motion. How high will it climb before starting to descend? (g=9.8 m/s2)



Answered question


A stone is flung 20 meters per second in a vertical upward motion. How high will it climb before starting to descend? ( g = 9.8 m / s 2 )

Answer & Explanation



Beginner2022-12-02Added 6 answers

Initial velocity u = + 20 m / s
Find velocity v = 0 m / s
Acceleration due to gravity = g = a = 9.8 m / s 2
To find: Height reached by the stone = s = ?
The third equation of motion yields,
v 2 u 2 = 2 as
0 2 ( + 20 ) 2 = 2 × 9.8 × s
400 = 2 × 9.8 × s
s = 400 / ( 2 × 9.8 ) = 20.4 m
The negative sign indicates the opposite direction of displacement and gravity acceleration.
The stone's height as a result = 20.4 m.

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