Nick has 120 caramel buns to sell. Each caramel buns is covered with one topping. 1/5 of the caramel buns are covered with peanuts. 1/3 are covered with chocolate chips. 3/10 are covered with coconut. The rest are covered with sprinises. How many caramel buns are covered with

Zachery Mckee

Zachery Mckee

Answered question


Nick has 120 caramel buns to sell. Each caramel buns is covered with one topping. 1 5 of the caramel buns are covered with peanuts. 1 3 are covered with chocolate chips. 3 10 are covered with coconut. The rest are covered with sprinises. How many caramel buns are covered with

Answer & Explanation

Russell Knox

Russell Knox

Beginner2022-11-29Added 15 answers

Total part of caramel buns covered is 1 3 + 1 5 + 3 10 = 5 6 So caramel buns covered with sprinkles = 1 5 6 = 1 6 Since there are 120 caramel buns. So buns covered with sprinkles 120 6 = 20 bunsapples covered with peanuts 120 5 = 24 buns apples covered with chocolate chips is 120 3 = 40 buns apples covered with coconut is 120 × 3 10 = 36 buns

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