The following data represents the number of minutes customers at a fast food restaurant had to wait in the drive thru line before their order was taken 1023 9 1 10 ü 23 1140 Calculate the z-score for the following times. a. 6 minutes b. 5 minutes c. 3 minutes d. 4 minutes a. The z-score for 6 is



Answered question


The following data represents the number of minutes customers at a fast food restaurant had to wait in the drive thru line before their order was taken 1023 9 1 10 ü 23 1140 Calculate the z-score for the following times.
a. 6 minutes
b. 5 minutes
c. 3 minutes
d. 4 minutes a.
The z-score for 6 is

Answer & Explanation



Beginner2022-11-29Added 7 answers

a. For x = 6 , z = x μ σ = 6 6.78 4.09 = 0.1907
b. For x = 5 , z = x μ σ = 5 6.78 4.09 = 0.4352
c. For x = 3 , z = x μ σ = 3 6.78 4.09 = 0.9242
d. For x = 4 , z = x μ σ = 4 6.78 4.09 = 0.6797

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