Which expression is equivalent to the following expression: A>8 AND A < 18 a. NOT (A < 8) AND NOT (A > 18) b. NOT (A <= 8) AND NOT (A >= 18) c. NOT (A > 8 OR A < 18) d. A<8 OR A > 18



Answered question


Which expression is equivalent to the following expression: A>8 AND A < 18
a. NOT (A < 8) AND NOT (A > 18)
b. NOT (A <= 8) AND NOT (A >= 18)
c. NOT (A > 8 OR A < 18)
d. A<8 OR A > 18

Answer & Explanation



Beginner2022-11-30Added 13 answers

The first option is
NOT (A<8) AND NOT (A>18)
This expression means that a number A which is not less than 8 and as well as not greater than 18.
implying that the number is definately gonna lies in between 8 and 18 (excluding both ).
Since this expression is equavalent to the given expression. So This is a correct option.

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