Factor x^2 – 8x + 15. Which pair of numbers has a product of ac and a sum of b?



Answered question


Factor x 2 8 x + 15. Which pair of numbers has a product of ac and a sum of b?

Answer & Explanation

Zaria Tanner

Zaria Tanner

Beginner2022-12-05Added 5 answers

The pair of numbers that has a product of ac and a sum of b is ( x 5 ) ( x 3 )
What is a quadratic equation?
A quadratic equation is used for the expression of algebraic terms in their second degree. It is used written in the form:
a x 2 + b x + c = 0
From the given information:
x 2 8 x + 15 = 0
a = 1
b = - 8
c = 15
To determine the product of ac and the sum of b;
We will look for two values that when we multiply them together, we will have +15 and when we add them together we will have -8.
The two values are -3 and - 5
The product of -3 and - 15 is ac = +15
The sum of -3 and -5 is b = -8
Now, the quadratic equation becomes:
x 2 3 x 5 x + 15 = 0 x ( x 3 ) 5 ( x 3 ) = 0 ( x 5 ) ( x 3 ) = 0

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