Add the following two complex numbers: (3 + 2i) +

Russell Gillen

Russell Gillen

Answered question


Add the following two complex numbers: (3+2i)+(53i). What do you notice?

Answer & Explanation



Beginner2021-12-12Added 37 answers

Step 1
By Adding the following two complex numbers : (3+2i)+(53i)
As it is known that (a+ib)+(c+id) will be (a+c)+i(b+d)
so that (3+2i)+(53i) will be
(8i) will be answer
So we notice that by adding two complex numbers real parts and imaginary parts added separately.
Bob Huerta

Bob Huerta

Beginner2021-12-13Added 41 answers

Step 1
Given: (3+2i)+(53i)
Form: (a+bi)±(c+di)=(a±c)+(b±d)i

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