How do I solve arg(\frac{z-i}{z+i})=\frac{\pi}{4}?

Joanna Benson

Joanna Benson

Answered question


How do I solve arg(ziz+i)=π4?

Answer & Explanation



Beginner2022-01-16Added 42 answers

So arg (ziz+i)=tan1y1xtan1y+1x=π4
taking tangents of both sides
This simplifies to x2+2x+y2=1 or (x+1)2+y2=2
Stella Calderon

Stella Calderon

Beginner2022-01-17Added 35 answers

First multiply top and bottom by the complex conjugate of the denominator
If z=x+iy then z=xiy,z+z=2x,zz=2iy,zz=x2+y2 and the fraction simplifies to
As the denominator is positive real this will not change the argument of the fraction. Now if arg(w)=π4 then w=r(1+i) for some r>0. So the real and imaginary parts of the numerator must be equal, and both positive, that is x2+y21=2x. Rearrange x22x+1+y2=2 and (x1)2+y2=2 a circle center (1,0) with radius 2.
There might be a neater way of showing this, the formula is related to Möbius transformation. These transformations have the general form az+bcz+d and preserve angles, map every straight line to a line or circle, and map every circle to a line or circle. The inverse transformation will also map straight lines, like the line arg(w)=π4, to circles.

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