What is the largest integer n<0 so that ((1+\sqrt{3})/3i)^{n} is

Bobbie Comstock

Bobbie Comstock

Answered question


What is the largest integer n<0 so that (1+33i)n is purely imaginary?

Answer & Explanation



Beginner2022-01-19Added 48 answers

This is the largest negative integer, and
is clearly purely imaginary.


Beginner2022-01-20Added 46 answers

Well the largest integer n<0 is -1 and as it happens that gives an imaginary result.
(1+33i)1=3i1+3 and as 11+3 is a Real Number it follows that this 3i is purely imaginary.
If you were actually thinking that -2 is a ''larger'' negative number, and -3 larger still then the question doesn't really make sense because any odd (negative) power of (1+33i) is also purely imaginary, so there would be no ''largest'' negative n in that sense.

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