Factor the expressions over the set of complex numbers. For assistance, consider these examples

Donald Johnson

Donald Johnson

Answered question


Factor the expressions over the set of complex numbers. For assistance, consider these examples
In Section R.3 we saw that some expressions factor over the set of integers. For example: x24=(x+2)(x2)
Some expressions factor over the set of irrational numbers. For example: x25=(x+5)(x5)
To factor an expression such as x2+4, we need to factor over the set of complex numbers. For example, verify that x2+4=(x+2i)(x2i)
a) x29, x2+9
b) x2100, x2+100
c) x264, x2+64

Answer & Explanation



Beginner2022-01-16Added 31 answers

Step 1
Consider, right hand side of the given expression,
RHS =(x+2i)(x2i)
Step 2
Therefore the given expression is true for factor over the complex numbers.
a) x29x29=(x3)(x+3)
b) x2100x2100=(x+10)(x10)
c) x264x264=(x+8)(x8)

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