Prove that \(\displaystyle{x}^{{{16}}}-{x}^{{{11}}}+{x}^{{6}}-{x}+{1}{>}{0}\) for \(\displaystyle{x}\in{R}\)

Sanai Huerta

Sanai Huerta

Answered question


Prove that x16x11+x6x+1>0 for xR

Answer & Explanation



Beginner2022-03-30Added 14 answers

Factoring as you did above, we are looking at
The term x10+1 is always 0, and x6x0 when x0 or when x1. This means we have verified the inequality holds everywhere except for x(0,1). To deal with this interval, group terms and write the polynomial as
For x(0,1) each of these terms is positive, which allows us to conclude that the inequality holds for all xR

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