I have the following equation: \(\displaystyle{\frac{{{138000}}}{{{\left({1}+{x}\right)}^{{5}}}}}+{\frac{{{71000}}}{{{\left({1}+{x}\right)}^{{4}}}}}+{\frac{{{54000}}}{{{\left({1}+{x}\right)}^{{3}}}}}+{\frac{{{37000}}}{{{\left({1}+{x}\right)}^{{2}}}}}+{\frac{{{20000}}}{{{1}+{x}}}}-{20000}={0}\)

Ashleigh Shaffer

Ashleigh Shaffer

Answered question


I have the following equation:

Answer & Explanation



Beginner2022-04-02Added 18 answers

This looks like an "internal rate of return" question, where usually you want x1
When x1, the function is strictly decreasing as x increases. Clearly, if x is very large, then the value is negative, and when x=0 it is 20000, so you have one positive real root. You can use numerical methods to find the solution - binary search for example.
I don't know what you'd use on a mid-term - that would depend on what calculation tools you were allowed during the midterm.
One quick way is to write t=11+x and note that we are solving g(t)=0 for some polynomial with g(1)=20000 and g(1)=730000. So an estimate is t1273 or x0.028. This is Newton's method, just on a slightly easier formula when done relative to t, and it converges quickly because the root x is close to 0. This might not work in general.
Wolfram alpha gives the root as x0.02932
Roy Brady

Roy Brady

Beginner2022-04-03Added 19 answers

Letting 1+x=t, multiplying with t5 and sorting, we find
This suggests an iterative method by letting tn+1=20tn4+37tn3+54tn2+71tn+382005. A suitable starting value is t=1, leading to a solution t1.0923 and x0.02849

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