If q and w are the roots of the equation 2x^2-px+7=0



Answered question


If q and w are the roots of the equation

Answer & Explanation

Norah Small

Norah Small

Beginner2022-04-24Added 12 answers

The following result (and its generalizations to higher degree polynomials) is very useful. Consider the equation ax2+bx+c=0, where a0. Then the sum of the roots is ba and the product of the roots is ca. In our case, we have
q+w=p2 and qw=72
We will find a quadratic equation whose roots are qw and wq without calculating qw or wq. Note that
Substitute our known values of q+w and qw. We get
Note that trivially the product of qw and wq is 1
If we wish, we can change to the equivalent 14x2+(28p2)x+14=0

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