How should I have known that x 4 </msup> &#x2212;<!-- − --> 2 x 3 </

Summer Bradford

Summer Bradford

Answered question


How should I have known that
x 4 2 x 3 7 x 2 + 10 x + 10 = ( x 2 2 x 2 ) ( x 2 5 ) ?

Answer & Explanation

Trey Ross

Trey Ross

Beginner2022-06-13Added 30 answers

The odd part is 2 x ( x 2 5 ), so if x 2 5 | x 4 7 x 2 + 10, or equivalently y 5 | y 2 7 y + 10 (which it does), you're lucky enough you can pull out a quadratic factor without a linear term. And having separated the even and odd parts as thus, we know the other factor is 2 x + x 2 2

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