If x &#x2265;<!-- ≥ --> &#x2212;<!--

Celia Lucas

Celia Lucas

Answered question


If x 1, prove that ( x + 1 ) 3 = x has no solutions

Answer & Explanation

Cristopher Barrera

Cristopher Barrera

Beginner2022-06-21Added 24 answers

If x 1 then x + 1 0. When you cube this, it will thus be positive. This can only equal x again if x > 0. But if x > 0, it is easy to see that ( x + 1 ) 3 = x is impossible.
Abram Boyd

Abram Boyd

Beginner2022-06-22Added 5 answers

The given equation is
x ( x + 1 ) ( x + 2 ) = 1
Now x 1
If x 0, then RHS cannot be equal to LHS as positive or zero is never equal to negative.
If x = 1 , then LHS=0 but RHS is not, therefore equality doesn't holds
Now we are left to check for x ( 1 , 0 ). For that we use our original equation
( x + 1 ) 3 = x. If x ( 1 , 0 ), then x + 1 ( 0 , 1 ) and therefore ( x + 1 ) 3 > 0
But then LHS becomes positive and RHS remains negative, therefore again equality doesn't holds
Hence proved.

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