Prove the function f(x)=1−x−(1−a/nx)^n has a real solution between (0,1]



Answered question


Find the equation with roots, A, B, C is ABC=6, A+B+C=5 and A 2 + B 2 + C 2 = 21

Answer & Explanation

Emely English

Emely English

Beginner2022-08-12Added 16 answers

As you know:
α + β + γ = b a
α β γ = d a
Now, applying these to the information given,
A + B + C = b a = 5
A B C = d a = 6
and for your A 2 + B 2 + C 2 when simplified gives ( b 2 c 2 ) 2 c a = 21 but as b a is given
25 2 c a = 21
Simplying these down, we get
d = 6 a , b = 5 a , c = 2 a
Because it doesn't matter what a is (because we could divide through by it anyway in the final equation and nor is it possible or worthwhile to exactly figure out what it is), we can just assume it is 1 and then we can easily compute the value of the other coefficents. The solution is
x 3 5 x 2 + 2 x 6

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