Find a polynomial f(x) of degree 3 that



Answered question


Find a polynomial f(x) of degree 3 that has the following zeros.
8 (multiplicity 2), -4

Answer & Explanation



Expert2023-06-17Added 777 answers

To find a polynomial function of degree 3 with the given zeros, we can use the zero-product property and the concept of multiplicities.
The zeros are 8 (with multiplicity 2) and -4.
When a zero has a multiplicity greater than 1, it means that it appears multiple times as a root of the polynomial. In this case, the zero 8 has a multiplicity of 2, which means it is a double root.
To find the polynomial, we can start by writing the linear factors corresponding to each zero. For a zero of multiplicity 2, we need two linear factors.
The linear factor corresponding to the zero 8 is (x8). Since the multiplicity is 2, we need to include it twice:
The linear factor corresponding to the zero -4 is (x(4)), which simplifies to (x+4).
Now, we multiply these factors together to obtain the polynomial:
To simplify further, we can expand the expression using the distributive property:
Next, we can multiply the two binomials using the distributive property:
Combining like terms:
Therefore, the polynomial function f(x) of degree 3 with the given zeros is:

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