Is the polynomial x^2_0y_0+x_0x_1y_1+x^2_1y^2+x_1x_2y_3+x^2_2y_4+x_0x_2y_5 in K[x_i,y_j]

Shawn Peck

Shawn Peck

Answered question


Is the polynomial
x 0 2 y 0 + x 0 x 1 y 1 + x 1 2 y 2 + x 1 x 2 y 3 + x 2 2 y 4 + x 0 x 2 y 5 K [ x i , y j ]
reducible over an algebrically closed field K ?

Answer & Explanation

Bernard Scott

Bernard Scott

Beginner2022-09-29Added 9 answers

We claim that your polynomial is irreducible at least when the characteristic is not 2. To see this consider your polynomial as a quadratic polynomial in x 0 with coefficients in the UFD R := k [ x 1 , x 2 , y 0 , y 1 , , y 5 ]. Your polynomial is reducible iff it admits a root in R. So to show it does not admit a root in R, it is enough to show that the discriminant Δ is not a perfect square in R. I compute the discriminant to be
Δ = ( x 1 y 1 + x 2 y 5 ) 2 4 y 0 ( x 1 2 y 2 + x 1 x 2 y 3 + x 2 2 y 4 ) = ( y 1 2 4 y 0 y 2 ) x 1 2 + ( lower terms ) .
Now if the discriminant is a perfect square I can write Δ = ( a x 1 + b ) 2 where where a,b are polynomials in k [ x 2 , y 0 , , y 5 ]. Comparing coefficients, we get that
a 2 = ( y 1 2 4 y 0 y 2 ) .
But this results in a contradiction because the R.H.S. is irreducible by Eisenstein with the prime element y 0 k [ y 0 , y 2 ]. Thus your original polynomial must be irreducible.

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