Let vec(V)_1 and vec(V)_2 are two vectors such that vec(V)_1=2(sin alpha+cos alpha)hat(i)+hat(j) and vec(V)_2=sin beta hat(i)+cos beta hat(j), where alpha and beta satisfy the relation 2(sin alpha+cos alpha)sin beta=3-cos beta, Find Value of (3 tan^2 alpha+4 tan^2 beta)



Answered question


Let V 1 and V 2 are two vectors such that V 1 = 2 ( sin α + cos α ) i ^ + j ^ and V 2 = sin β i ^ + cos β j ^ , where α and β satisfy the relation 2 ( sin α + cos α ) sin β = 3 cos β , Find Value of ( 3 tan 2 α + 4 tan 2 β )

Answer & Explanation

Quinn Alvarez

Quinn Alvarez

Beginner2022-09-07Added 13 answers

Doesn't really have anything to do with vectors.
Note that the maximum value of a sin θ + b cos θ is a 2 + b 2 , which occurs when tan θ = a b . Here, we've been given that:
2 ( sin α + cos α ) sin β + cos β = 3
Now, maximum value of LHS is
4 ( sin α + cos α ) 2 + 1 = 5 + 4 sin 2 α
Notice that 5 + 4 sin 2 α 3, reaching maximum value at sin 2 α = 1 Thus, maximum value of LHS, is 3, which is reached when sin 2 α = 1 and tan β = 2 ( sin α + cos α ). Now, sin 2 α = 1 tan 2 α = 1, and tan 2 β = 4 ( 1 + sin 2 α ) = 8. Thus, 3 tan 2 α + 4 tan 2 β = 3 1 + 4 8 = 35

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