|vec(r)-vec(r)'|^2=r^2+r'^(2)-2r * r' cos(theta) How is this possible? I could understand why, if we had brackets instead of abs values. But as it is I cannot understand how to operate with the square of an abs. value



Answered question


| r r | 2 = r 2 + r 2 2 r r cos ( θ )
How is this possible?
I could understand why, if we had brackets instead of abs values. But as it is I cannot understand how to operate with the square of an abs. value

Answer & Explanation

Zara Pratt

Zara Pratt

Beginner2022-09-08Added 12 answers

Since r and r are elements of a vector space, and not elements of an integral domain, | r r | does not denote absolute value, but the norm (magnitude) of the vector r r ,, although it actually would be more correct to denote it as | | r r | | . By definition, | | v | | = v v ,, where denotes the inner product (the dot product, in this case). So
| | r r | | 2 = ( r r ) ( r r ) = r r r r r r + r r = | | r | | 2 + | | r | | 2 2 r r cos ( θ ) .
This, is actually, the law of cosines in disguise.

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