Let alpha in Lambda^(p) L, which is p-th power of L, where L is linear space of dimension equal to n. Let us consider the following map f_α:L to Lambda^(p+1) L given with the formula f_(alpha) (sigma)=alpha ^^ sigma, where ^^ is a wedge product. Prove that if alpha,beta in Lambda^p L and p<n, then: f_(alpha) = f_(beta) <=> alpha = beta



Answered question


Let α Λ p L, which is p-th power of L, where L is linear space of dimension equal to n. Let us consider the following map f α : L Λ p + 1 L given with the formula f α ( σ ) = α σ, where is a wedge product.
Prove that if α , β Λ p L and p f α = f β α = β .
The part where we assume α = β is easy, but what about another implication? Does anything come your minds? This was the first thing I thought about:
α 1 α p σ = β 1 β p σ ( α 1 α p β 1 β p ) σ = 0.
I am stuck here, but maybe I don't see something very obvious about this.

Answer & Explanation



Beginner2022-09-07Added 15 answers

Let e i be a basis for L, and assume α = I a I e I where I { 1 , 2 , , n } ,   | I | = p and e { i 1 , , i p } = e i 1 e i p with i 1 < < i p
We have to prove f α = 0 α = 0
Assume some a I 0, then since | I | = p < n, there's an index j I, and hence a I ( e I e j ) will be a nonzero term in f α ( e j )

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