The vector bb(u)_lambda is assumed to be normalized. Then I want to understand How these two conditions are satisfied? sum_k u_(kk)^(**) u_(k lambda)=delta_(k lambda) sum_k u_(kk)^(**) u_(l k)=delta_(k l)



Answered question


The vector u λ is assumed to be normalized.
Then I want to understand How these two conditions are satisfied?
k u k κ u k λ = δ κ λ κ u k κ u l κ = δ k l

Answer & Explanation



Beginner2022-09-07Added 6 answers

M is positive definite, therefore it has orthogonal set of eigenvectors. Since we assume them to be normalized, the matrix U = [ u 1 , u 2 , . . . , u n ] (we treat columns as vectors) is orthonormal. The first formula (U^*U = I) comes from the definition:
Vectors are normalized -> ones on diagonal
Orthogonal -> zeros off diagonal
This makes U = U 1 , therefore U U = I. Take element-wise complex conjugate and you get the second formula.

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