Algebra Word Problem Solutions

Recent questions in Algebra
Pre-AlgebraAnswered question
banganX banganX 2021-02-11

Solve the equation


Pre-AlgebraAnswered question
alesterp alesterp 2021-02-11


Algebra IAnswered question
beljuA beljuA 2021-02-11


Algebra IAnswered question
Chaya Galloway Chaya Galloway 2021-02-11


Algebra IIAnswered question
Efan Halliday Efan Halliday 2021-02-11

Several models have been proposed to explain the diversification of life during geological periods. According to Benton (1997), The diversification of marine families in the past 600 million years (Myr) appears to have followed two or three logistic curves, with equilibrium levels that lasted for up to 200 Myr. In contrast, continental organisms clearly show an exponential pattern of diversification, and although it is not clear whether the empirical diversification patterns are real or are artifacts of a poor fossil record, the latter explanation seems unlikely. In this problem, we will investigate three models fordiversification. They are analogous to models for populationgrowth, however, the quantities involved have a differentinterpretation. We denote by N(t) the diversification function,which counts the number of taxa as a function of time, and by rthe intrinsic rate of diversification.
(a) (Exponential Model) This model is described by dNdt=reN (8.86). Solve (8.86) with the initial condition N(0) at time 0, and show that re can be estimated from re=1t ln [N(t)N(0)] (8.87)
(b) (Logistic Growth) This model is described by dNdt=rlN (1  NK) (8.88) where K is the equilibrium value. Solve (8.88) with the initial condition N(0) at time 0, and show that rl can be estimated from rl=1t ln [K  N(0)N(0)] + 1t ln [N(t)K  N(t)] (8.89) for N(t) < K.
(c) Assume that N(0)=1 and N(10)=1000. Estimate re and rl for both K=1001 and K=10000.
(d) Use your answer in (c) to explain the following quote from Stanley (1979): There must be a general tendency for calculated values of [r] to represent underestimates of exponential rates,because some radiation will have followed distinctly sigmoid paths during the interval evaluated.
(e) Explain why the exponential model is a good approximation to the logistic model when NK is small compared with 1.

Algebra IIAnswered question
Falak Kinney Falak Kinney 2021-02-11

Solve the following equation by factoring

Even as we are dealing with college subjects like Sociology or Data Science, the use of high school Algebra is inevitable. Some of us may still remember the rules, yet it is only natural have something as a reminder.

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