Algebra Word Problem Solutions

Recent questions in Algebra
Algebra IAnswered question
ajumbaretu ajumbaretu 2022-11-12

Find two consecutive integers whose sum is 73

Algebra IIAnswered question
bucstar11n0h bucstar11n0h 2022-11-12

Could somebody validate my proof regarding the limit of ln ( x n ) when, x n tends to a?
So, let me cearly state the problem:
Let ( x n ) be a convergent sequence, with: x n > 0, n, n natural number, and x n a, with a > 0. Then ln x n ln a
Here is my idea for a proof:
Our goal is to proof that there ϵ > 0 there is some n ϵ , such that n n ϵ , we have that | ln x n ln a | < ϵ
So here is what I did. First:
| ln x n ln a | = | ln x n a |
Then, beacause ln x < x, x > 0, it easily follows that   | ln x | < x, x > 0. Applying this, we have that:
| ln x n ln a | = | ln x n a | < x n a = x n a + a a = x n a a + 1
Now, we use the basic property of the absolute value: x n a | x n a | , that gives us:
| ln x n ln a | < x n a a + 1 | x n a | a + 1
Now, we use the fact that x n a. So, ϵ > 0 there is some n ϵ , such that n n ϵ , we have that | x n a | < ϵ. We choose an epsilon that takes the form a ( ϵ 0 1 ). This choice is possible for any ϵ 0
Now, we have managed to obtain that:
| ln x n ln a | < a ( ϵ 0 1 ) a + 1 = ϵ 0 , n n ϵ
Since ϵ 0 > 0 we can find an n ϵ , such that n n ϵ , the above inequality is staisfied, our claim is proved.
So, can you please tell me if my proof si correct? I've tried to find a proof, only for the limit of sequences! This problem has been on my nerves for s while. Also, probably there is some simpler way to do it, but I couldn't find it.

Even as we are dealing with college subjects like Sociology or Data Science, the use of high school Algebra is inevitable. Some of us may still remember the rules, yet it is only natural have something as a reminder.

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