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Recent questions in High school probability
High school probabilityAnswered question
Peyton Velez Peyton Velez 2022-06-22

How do you simplify 7P5?

High school probabilityAnswered question
Misael Matthews Misael Matthews 2022-06-22

Machine 1 is currently working. Machine 2 will be put in use at time t from now. If the lifetime of machine i is exponential with rate λ i , i = 1 , 2 , what is the probability that machine 1 is the first machine to fail?

The solution is as follows:
P ( M 1 < M 2 ) = P ( M 1 < M 2 | M 1 < t ) P ( M 1 < t ) + P ( M 1 < M 2 | M 1 > t ) P ( M 1 > t ) .
Now, I understand this solution. It states, in light of Bayes's Rule*, that we desire the probability that the lifetime of machine 1 is less than the lifetime of machine 2 and the lifetime of machine 1 is less than t in addition to the probability that the lifetime of machine 1 is less than the lifetime of machine 2 and the lifetime of machine 1 is greater than t. That all makes sense to me. My question, however, is why is it not simply
P ( M 1 < M 2 ) = P ( M 1 < t ) + P ( M 1 < M 2 | M 1 > t ) .
Linguistically, this seems to satisfy the solution to the problem; i.e., "the probability that the lifetime of machine 1 is less than t, in addition to the probability that the lifetime of machine 1 is less than that of machine 2 given that the lifetime of machine 1 is greater than t. I understand that the first term here is actually the same as the solution's, and that the solution formulates it as it does for illustrative purposes; but the second term certainly has a different value than that of the solution's.

I hope my question here makes sense. If any further clarification is needed, please let me know. Also, I understand that this exact problem appears elsewhere on stackexchange, but it was more about the computation.

*The Bayes's Rule to which I'm referring is, of course, the following formulation:
P ( A B ) = P ( A | B ) P ( B )

High school probabilityAnswered question
kixEffinsoj kixEffinsoj 2022-06-21

What is 6P3?

High school probability is one of those interesting tasks that young students receive as part of their statistics and probability assignments. You should also find the answers to probability exercises for high school along with the high school probability questions that will help you come up with the most efficient solutions. If you would like to focus on statistical challenges, you should also use high school probability problems as well as it is based on our examples. Be it related to equations or graphs that will talk about probability, follow our examples and things will become clearer!