How to graph the equation 3x+y=-1?

Luis Wolf

Luis Wolf

Answered question


How to graph the equation 3 x + y = - 1 ?

Answer & Explanation

Karina Weeks

Karina Weeks

Beginner2023-02-03Added 6 answers

Start by separating y on the left side of the equation. This gives you:
y = - 3 x - 1
Make plot points next. You only need 2 points because this equation is linear. Easy points are the y -intersect (the point where x is 0 ) and 1 .
The y -intersect is where x is zero so using our equation:
y = - 3 ( 0 ) - 1 (substitute 0 for the x in the equation)
The y -intersect is - 1 . The coordinate is ( 0 , - 1 ) .
You need one more point on the graph. We will use x = 1 . Going back to our equation:
y = - 3 ( 1 ) - 1 = - 4 (substitute 1 for x in the equation)
This coordinate is ( 1 , - 4 ) .
With these two points, ( 0 , - 1 ) and ( 1 , - 4 ) , you can plot your graph.
graph{(y+3x+1)((x-0)^2+(y+1)^2-0.06)((x-1)^2+(y+4)^2-0.06)=0 [-10, 10, -5, 5]}

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