What does plotting sufficient solution points mean?

Seamus Livingston

Seamus Livingston

Answered question


What does plotting sufficient solution points mean?

Answer & Explanation



Beginner2023-02-04Added 6 answers

You need to know the points that a function passes through in order to graph it. An ( x , y ) pair that makes the equation true solves the equation.
You need to plot ""sufficient solution points"" because you want to be able to draw your curve through the points to accurately represent the quadratic. Points such as the vertex ( - b 2 a , f ( - b 2 a ) ) , any intercepts ( ( 0 , y ) or ( x , 0 ) ) are very useful points for drawing a curve.
""Plotting a point"" simply means to draw it on the coordinate plane. You can then draw your curve through the points.

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