The weekly income of 600 families is tabulated below: Weekly income Number of families (in Rs) 0-1000:250 1000-2000:190 2000-3000:100 3000-4000:40 4000-5000:15 5000-6000: 5 Total 600 Compute the median income.

Hannah Richmond

Hannah Richmond

Answered question


The weekly income of 600 families is tabulated below: Weekly income Number of families (in Rs) 0-1000:250 1000-2000:190 2000-3000:100 3000-4000:40 4000-5000:15 5000-6000: 5 Total 600 Compute the median income.

Answer & Explanation

Olivia Gallegos

Olivia Gallegos

Beginner2023-02-11Added 7 answers

The method for calculating the median.
The median income of 600 families is 1263.15
Given, the weekly income of 600 families.

To find The median income.
Formula: Median=l+[n2-cff]h
Where, l is lower limit of the median class
n is the number of observations
h is the class size
cf is the cumulative frequency of the class preceding the median class
f is the frequency of the median class
Calculate the median.
From the table,
The observation lies in the class 1000-2000
The lower limit of the class, l=1000
Class size, h=1000
Total occurrences of the class before the median class,cf=250
Frequency of the median class,f=190
Therefore, the median is 1263.15

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