How to graph y=1/3x-5 using the slope and intercept?



Answered question


How to graph y = 1 3 x - 5 using the slope and intercept?

Answer & Explanation

Genesis Hancock

Genesis Hancock

Beginner2023-02-12Added 10 answers

Since you can read the process directly from the equation, the slope-intercept form of the equation is the simplest to graph.
First you need a place to start
The equation gives you one point that is automatically on the line. That point is the y intercept, the value at b.
So to start, put the tip of the pencil on the y intercept.
In this case, that is ( 0 , - 5 )
Now you count out the steps for the slope.
The slope is always a fraction.
Sometimes the value for slope doesn't even really look like a fraction.
The slope might be a whole number whose denominator is 1 , which may not even be written because it is understood.
But in this case, the slope is obviously the fraction 1 3
Slope is described as ""rise over run""
⁕ The numerator is how high you rise up the y axis.
⁕ The denominator is how far you run along the x axis.
1) So in this case, starting at ( 0 , - 5 ) , rise one step up the y axis.
Now you are at ( 0 , - 4 )
2) From there, run along 3 steps parallel to the x axis
Now you are at ( 3 , - 4 )
3) Draw a small dot at this new point.
4) Draw a line through the y intercept and this new point
graph{y = 1/3x - 5 [-7.67, 12.33, -8.6, 1.4]}

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