How to graph a decimal on a coordinate graph?



Answered question


How to graph a decimal on a coordinate graph?

Answer & Explanation

Gerardo Goodman

Gerardo Goodman

Beginner2023-02-12Added 7 answers

First, if we assume that our ""decimal"" is a real number we are then limited to the x - axis of the x y - plane.
A point on the x axis is represented by it's distance from the origin ( 0 , 0 ) in a negative or positive direction.
E.g. The decimal 2.4 could be represented by the point ( + 2.4 , 0 ) on the x y - plane. The point x = 2.4 on the x - axis.
As a result, all real numbers can be represented in the same way as points on the real line.
This question becomes more interesting if we allow our number to to be complex - in the form a + i b : { a , b }
then the point would be used to represent our complex number ( a , b ) on the complex plane..

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