A boat goes downstream and covers the distance between two ports in 96 minutes, while it covers the same distance in upstream in 120 minutes. If the speed of stream is 1km/hr, Find the speed of boat in still water?

Bobby Gross

Bobby Gross

Answered question


A boat goes downstream and covers the distance between two ports in 96 minutes, while it covers the same distance in upstream in 120 minutes. If the speed of stream is 1km/hr, Find the speed of boat in still water?

Answer & Explanation

Malia Klein

Malia Klein

Beginner2023-02-27Added 5 answers

Let speed of boat be X kmph.
down stream- in 96 minute boat will travel 96 / 60 ( X + 1 ) km
As per question 96 60 ( X + 1 ) = 120 60 ( X 1 )
96 x + 96 = 120 x 120 24 x = 216 x = 9

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