A Ferris wheel has a diameter of 42feet. It rotates 3 times per minute. Approximately how far will a passenger travel during a 5minute ride? 132 feet, 659 feet, 1978 feet, 3956 feet

Miriam Blair

Miriam Blair

Answered question


A Ferris wheel has a diameter of 42feet. It rotates 3 times per minute. Approximately how far will a passenger travel during a 5minute ride? A132feet B659feet C1,978feet D3,956feet

Answer & Explanation



Beginner2023-03-04Added 2 answers

The ideal decision is C 1,978feet
Explanation for correct answer:
Step-1: Find the circumference of the wheel rotations:
Given: Diameter of wheel =42feet
Thus, Radius of wheel =21feet [Radius =12×Diameter]
Circumference of wheel =2πr, r is the radius of wheel
=222721 π=227
Step-2: Calculate the passenger's distance travelled:
Number of rotations of wheel in 1minute =3
Number of rotations of wheel in 5minute =3×5
Distance traveled in 1rotation =132feet
Distance traveled in 15 rotations =132×15
Consequently, a passenger will journey approximately 1978feet during a 5minute ride.
Therefore, the correct option is (C).

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