A small block slides, without friction, down an inclined plane starting from rest. Let S_n be the distance travelled from time t=(n-1) to t=n. If S_n/S_(n+1) is found to be 5/7, then value of n is?

Cullen Banks

Cullen Banks

Answered question


A small block slides, without friction, down an inclined plane starting from rest. Let S n be the distance travelled from time t=(n-1) to t=n. If S n S n + 1 is found to be 5/7, then value of n is?

Answer & Explanation

Elliot Watson

Elliot Watson

Beginner2023-03-04Added 1 answers

Distance travelled in t sec = S t
S t = u + a t a / 2
as u=0
S n S n + 1 = a n a / 2 a ( n + 1 ) a / 2 = a ( 2 n 1 ) × 2 2 a ( 2 n + 1 ) = 2 n 1 2 n + 1 = 5 7 14 7 = 10 n + 5 4 n = 12 n = 3

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