Aliyah had some candy to give to her four children. She first took ten pieces for herself and then evenly divided the rest among her children. Each child received two pieces. With how many pieces did she start?

Jonathon Taylor

Jonathon Taylor

Answered question


Aliyah had some candy to give to her four children. She first took ten pieces for herself and then evenly divided the rest among her children. Each child received two pieces. With how many pieces did she start?

Answer & Explanation



Beginner2023-02-05Added 7 answers

Let x be the initial value.
What is written here? She first took out 10 pieces and divided that number by 4. The response was 2.
Form an equation.
( x - 10 ) ÷ 4 = 2 could also be written as x - 10 4 = 2
( x - 10 ) × 4 4 = 4 × 2 multiply both sides by #4#
x - 10 + 10 = 8 + 10 add 10 to both sides
Verify the response:
Starts with 18 pieces and keeps 10
18 - 10 = 8 pieces left to share between 4 children
8 ÷ 4 = 2 pieces each.
2 + 2 + 2 + 2 + 10 = 18 pieces altogether

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