What is the monthly gross pay for Miss Cates if she earns $2,250 a month with 4.9% commission and $4,828 in sales?

Chanel Thomas

Chanel Thomas

Answered question


What is the monthly gross pay for Miss Cates if she earns $2,250 a month with 4.9% commission and $4,828 in sales?

Answer & Explanation

Tommy Kerr

Tommy Kerr

Beginner2023-03-15Added 4 answers

Miss Cates's gross pay is calculated as follows:
g = p + ( c s )
What we are solving for is g, which stands for gross pay.
p is the monthly salary Miss Cates is paid. $2250 for this problem.
c is the commission rate Miss Cates receives on sales. 4.9% for this problem. "Percent" or "%" means "out of 100" or "per 100", Therefore 4.9% can be written as 4.9 100 .
s is the monthly sales Miss Cates had. $4828 for this problem.
Calculating and substituting g results in:
g = $ 2250 + ( 4.9 100 $ 4828 )
g = $ 2250 + $ 23657.2 100
g = $ 2250 + $ 236.57
g = $ 2486.57
Miss Cates gross pay would be: $ 2486.57

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