During a clothing store's Bargain Days, the regular price for T-shirts is discounted by $5. There is a state sales tax of 5%, and the $5 discount is applied before the sales tax is calculated. What is the equation that shows the discounted price?

Teagan Wolf

Teagan Wolf

Answered question


During a clothing store's Bargain Days, the regular price for T-shirts is discounted by $5. There is a state sales tax of 5%, and the $5 discount is applied before the sales tax is calculated. What is the equation that shows the discounted price?

Answer & Explanation

Kiara Rollins

Kiara Rollins

Beginner2023-03-15Added 6 answers

To determine the total cost of the t-shirts, we can use the following formula:
t = ( p - d ) + r ( p - d )
t is the total price of the thsirts.
p is the original price of the tshirts.
d is the amount of the discount: $5 for this problem.
r is the tax rate: 5% for this problem. "Percent" or "%" means "out of 100" or "per 100", Therefore 5% can be written as 5 100 .
We can modify the data we have to provide the following formula:
t = ( p - $ 5 ) + 5 100 ( p - $ 5 )
The right side of the equation can also be written as follows:
t = 1 ( p - $ 5 ) + 5 100 ( p - $ 5 )
t = 100 100 ( p - $ 5 ) + 5 100 ( p - $ 5 )
t = ( 100 100 + 5 100 ) ( p - $ 5 )
t = 105 100 ( p - $ 5 )

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