solve the equation 4x^3 = 324



Answered question


solve the equation 4x3=324

Answer & Explanation



Skilled2021-01-08Added 84 answers

Given equation. 4x3=324
4 divided by both sides. x3=81
As we must now get rid of that cube, we will take the roots from both sides of the cube. 3x3=3x81

Your teacher's expectations for this task and your class will now have an impact on how you respond. If you teacher just wants a number then you can plug this into your calculator to get x=4.3267487
We'll need to factor that 81, though, if your teacher wants you to make the expression simpler while still leaving it as an expression. So let's think about things that multiply to be 81. 9×9 works. But each of those 9's can be factored further to 3×3. But there's nothing smaller than a three that you can multiply together to get three. So that's it. Thus
So taking the cube root we get

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