Use the strategy for solving word problems, modeling the verbal conditions of the problem with a linear inequality. You are choosing between two long-



Answered question


Use the strategy for solving word problems, modeling the verbal conditions of the problem with a linear inequality. You are choosing between two long-distance telephone plans. Plan A has a monthly fee of $15 with a charge of $0.08 per minute for all long-distance calls. Plan B has a monthly fee of $3 with a charge of $0.12 per minute for all long-distance calls. How many minutes of long-distance calls in a month make plan A the better deal?

Answer & Explanation

Tasneem Almond

Tasneem Almond

Skilled2021-05-15Added 91 answers

Let's note: x=the time (in minutes) of long-distance calls in a month
We write the inequality modelling the problem: 15+0.08x<3+0.12x
We solve the inequality: 15+0.08x0.08x<3+0.12x0.08x
300 The solution is: x>300

Jeffrey Jordon

Jeffrey Jordon

Expert2021-10-12Added 2605 answers

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