Solving which of the following systems of equations yields the number of cars, x, and the number of trucks, y, that crossed the bridge during the two hours?



Answered question


The toll rates for crossing a bridge are $6.50 for a car and $10 for a truck. During a two-hour period, a total of 187 cars and trucks crossed the bridge, and the total collected in tolls was $1,338. Solving which of the following systems of equations yields the number of cars, x, and the number of trucks, y, that crossed the bridge during the two hours?

A. x+y=1,338


B. x+y=187


C. x+y=187


D. x+y=187


Answer & Explanation



Skilled2021-09-14Added 80 answers

let number of cars, x and number of trucks ,y that Crossed the bridge during the two hours. If x is number of cars crossed the bridge during the two hours and y that Crossed the bridge during the two hours.

Then total number of car & tracks Cressed the bridge during the two hours Is, x+y Is equal to 187. x+y = 187

Similarily, The toll rates for Crossing a bridge are 6.50x for a car & 10y a trucks,

I's equal to collected toll 1338$, 6.5x+10y=1338 Hence,

Cotrect option Is

(c) x+y=187


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