How can you tell whether an exponential model describes exponential growth or exponential decay?



Answered question


How can you tell whether an exponential model describes exponential growth or exponential decay?

Answer & Explanation

Sally Cresswell

Sally Cresswell

Skilled2021-03-03Added 91 answers

An exponential model is of the form A=A0ekt where A0 is the original amount or size of the entity at t = 0, A is amount or size at time t, and k is a constant representing the rate of growth decay.
If k > 0, then the model represents a growing quantity and k is called as the growth rate.
If k <0, then the model represents a decaying quantity and k is called as the decay rate.
So, we can tell whether an exponential model describes exponential growth or decay using the value of k.
Step 2
Therefore, we can tell whether an exponential model describes exponential growth or decay using the value of k.

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