Find the associated exponential decay or growth model. (Round all coefficients to three significant digits.) Q = 3,000 when t = 0, doubling time = 7 Q =?



Answered question


Find the associated exponential decay or growth model. (Round all coefficients to three significant digits.) Q = 3,000 when t = 0, doubling time = 7 Q =?

Answer & Explanation

Ayesha Gomez

Ayesha Gomez

Skilled2020-12-13Added 104 answers

It is given in the question that "doubling time". Thus, it will be exponential growth.
Express the mathematical form for the exponential growth model.
Q(t)=Q0ektHere, k is the ratio of ln2 to doubling time and Q0 is the Q at time equal to zero
Calculate the value of k.
k=ln2(doubling time)
Then,the associated exponential model is

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