Fill in the bla. a. The graph of a linear equation with two independent variables is a _________. b. The graph of a linear equation with k > 2 independent variables is a _________.



Answered question


Fill in the bla
a. The graph of a linear equation with two independent variables is a _________.
b. The graph of a linear equation with k > 2 independent variables is a _________.

Answer & Explanation



Skilled2020-12-16Added 102 answers

(a) Justification:
The relationship of a dependent variable with two independent cariables maybe of various types. When this relationship is linear in nature, the graph of this equation is nothing bu a plane in a three-dimensional space.
Thus, the graph of a linear equation with two independent variables is a plane.
(b) Justification:
The relationship of a dependent variable with two independent cariables maybe of various types. When this relationship is linear in nature, the graph of this equation is a hyperplane in the (k+1) - dimensional space.
Thus, the graph of a linear euation with k>2 independent variables is a hyperplane

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