the constant differences of an 8 degree polynomial is 241920.What is the leading coefficient?



Answered question


the constant differences of an 8 degree polynomial is 241920.What is the leading coefficient?

Answer & Explanation

Arham Warner

Arham Warner

Skilled2020-11-28Added 102 answers

The relationship between the constant difference, d, the leading coefficient, c, and the degree, n, of a polynomial is d=cn!.
If the polynomial has a degree of n=8, a constant difference of d=241,920, and a leading coefficient of a, then 241,920=a8!.
The definition of a factorial is n!=n(n1)(n2)(2)(1).

Using this definition gives 8!=8(7)(6)(5)(4)(3)(2)(1).

Using a calculator to evaluate the product then gives 8!=40,320.
We then have 241,920=a40,320.
Dividing both sides by 40,320 then gives a leading coefficient of a=241,92040,320=6

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