Papa is putting new concrete on a driveway. The driveway is 30' x 10' x 9" thick. Concrete is measured by the cubic yard. One sack of dry cement mix costs $7.30, and it takes four sacks to mix up 1 cubic yard of concrete. How much will it cost?



Answered question


Papa is putting new concrete on a driveway. The driveway is 30' x 10' x 9" thick. Concrete is measured by the cubic yard. One sack of dry cement mix costs $7.30, and it takes four sacks to mix up 1 cubic yard of concrete. How much will it cost?

Answer & Explanation

Frida King

Frida King

Beginner2022-09-02Added 8 answers

Since we are dealing with cubic yards let's convert our driveway measurements from feet to yards and inches to yards.
Remember 36 inches = 1 yard and 3 feet = 1 yard
So instead of 30 feet × 10 feet × 9 inches
We get: 10 yards × 10 3 yards × 1 4 yards
Multiplying these together we need: 25 3 = 8 . 3 ¯ cubic yards
If we multiply the amount we need by 4 we get how many sacks of dry cement are required:
25 3 4 = 100 3 = 33 . 3 ¯ sacks
However you probably can't buy one third of a sack so round it up to 34 sacks.
Since each sack costs $7.30 we multiply the number of sacks by 7.3:
34 7.3 = 248.2 which as a cash value equals $248.20.

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